Brace yourself people
because bright sunny days are just round the corner. They will bring you spells
of hot dry air, salty water, chlorine and let’s just not forget a lot of sweat.
It is in summer that we
get to hear a lot about hair issues like oil scalps, split ends and rough dry
locks. You need to take extra care of your hair scalp to keep your hair healthy
throughout the summer. Here are few essentials that you can adopt to make your
hair healthy in summer:
Don’t use shampoo daily
Frequent hair washing
is not recommended.
Quite surprisingly, it
increases the release of oil and makes your scalp greasier and hair look dry
and brittle. Such hair are not at all appealing for the viewers. You can always
go for Pure Ginger Shampoo that reduce
oil production and prevents your locks from drying out.
Here is a DIY treatment
to control hair oil:
Mix juice of one lemon with 2-3 tablespoon
of coconut water. Apply this mixture to your head and massage gently for 5
minutes before and then rinse it with cold water. Do this treatment on weekly
basis for good results.
Trim Your Locks
is the best time to grow your hair so that you can tie them up in messy buns
and braids. Heat dries your hair so don’t forget to trim the split ends before
they become worse.
You can use diluted apple cider
vinegar for an effective natural conditioner. You can also use coconut oil for
shinny hair. Whenever, you wash your hair, don’t forget to moisturize them. Oil
will not only give you shine but will also give you a fresh look.
Cure discoloration of hair
If your hair face discoloration
after taking a dip into the swimming pool, rinse your hair with a cup of apple
cider vinegar mixed with 2 cups of water. It will help you get rid of dullness.
Use some sunscreen
Use those shampoos in summer that contain
UV protection. It will prevent against UV radiations of the sun. Avoid shampoos
containing a lot of chemicals.
Try all these
remedies and be happy with your healthy hair!
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Customer care help , whats app :0304 4242732
Find our all natural hair care range at
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Customer care help , whats app :0304 4242732
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