Thursday 17 August 2017



 Hair loss is seen in both men and women.Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause temporary hair loss. This could be due to pregnancy, childbirth or the onset of menopause. Hormone levels are also affected by the thyroid gland, so thyroid problems may cause hair loss. Hair loss is one of the most concerned problems in men. The changes environment  due to pollution, food choices, sun exposure and many other reasons like stress, tension and work pressure has increased the risk of this problem.

Another major problem faced by women these days is excessive hair fall. Hair fall is a problem faced by almost all men and women whereas baldness is more common among men. The hair loss pattern differs from person to person. Recently it has been proved that even women face baldness in a large scale. There are numerous causes, treatments and even preventive measures for this which would be discussed in this article.

We could have seen our great grandmothers in their 80s with great amount or thickness of hair that our mom would have lost when she was just 50 and high chances that we lose it when we are in 30s !!!! Yes today’s lifestyle has immense effect in our body including our hair. The hair growth cycle would give you an idea about the rate of hair growth.

Hair growth cycle : Usually each hair (naturally) grows approximately half inch per month irrespective of how you take care of your hair. Each hair has a growing period of 2-6 yrs [depending on various factors like age, hormonal changes, etc] after which they tend to fall. After the hair fall a new hair would grow from the same follicle.

Summary of hair loss causes

    Lack of certain trace elements and vitamins
    Brain overuse and excessive mental stress
    Lack of sleep and central nervous system imbalance
    Physiological dysfunction, kidney and liver
    Bacterial attack, inflammation of hair follicles and atrophy
    Inappropriate choice of shampoo contains chemical i.e silicon oil 
    Chemical damage
    Autonomic nervous system disorder 
    and poor blood circulation 
    Postpartum endocrine disorder
    Spicy food, tobacco and alcohol


     WOWO Ginger Shampoo & Hair Mask conditioner is the most effective natural solution to prevent hair loss, dandruff, and regrowth hair. WOWO pure ginger hair care is a formula designed for the health scalp,yet it does not contain silicone oil. Ginger contain the effect of anti-inflammatory sterilization.If the shampoo contains silicone oil, hair will be impermeable and will clog the pores, resulting in itchy scalp, and may even cause hair loss and many other problems too.Its one bottle contains as much goodness as three bottles of normal shampoo. WOWO Ginger shampoo is effective against hair loss, scalp itching, dandruff, oily & sparse hair, Split ends, and many other hair related problems.After using wowo, the pre grey hair almost 40% disappear after use pure ginger shampoo! WOWO Pure Ginger is an effective natural solution to prevent hair loss, dandruff and strengthening your hair.

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